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Important Places around Dhikala

1. Chaurs (Grass Lands):

Around Dhikala we have a chaurs ( Grass land) Which are the grazing ground for the resident wildlife and you can easily spot herds of elephants and deers around chaurs.

2. Watch Tower:

Watch tower situated at Dhikala is perfectly located and enable you to get an excellent view of wildlife which are come for grazing into the nearby chaurs, It also gives you an excellent view of entire ramganga riverbed as well as a large section of Dhikala chaur.

This watch tower is located at a 10 mins walk from Dhikala forest lodge. There is a man made waterhole around fifty yards to the south of the watchtower makes it one of the best places to see Deers ,elephants and wild boar.

3. Crocodile point at Gairal:

Crocodile pool is located on the short cut from Gairal to the other rest houses West of it. It is also a balcony-like natural structure, which looks down upon a pool almost permanently inhabited by crocodiles.

4. Sambar Trail:

This jungle track extends from the base of the Dhikala watchtower till the Khinanauli rest house. This area probably has the maximum sighting of tigers. This is due to it's ideal location between the hills on one side and the riverbed on the other. Most of the animals cross over in this area while moving down for water. Also located not far from this track and just a little distance up one of the streams crossing it, is the den of a tiger. Elephants are also frequent visitors to this track and it is important to be able to reverse your vehicle as easily as you drive it forward, if you plan to drive down this way just before sunset in the summer months. A couple of Serpant Eagles also had their nest high up in a tree beside this track, in late 1999. If patience is one of your virtues, it can almost be guaranteed that this track will not send you back disappointed.